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Schoolsworks is a multi-academy trust in West Sussex. Our aim is to create small hubs of schools which work closely together to collaborate, share best practice and improve outcomes for children.


Hawthorns Primary School


The school admits up to 30 pupils each year into Reception and accepts applications at other times for pupils wishing to join the school.

Admissions to Hawthorns Primary school are managed as part of the West Sussex admissions process, and applications should be made via the county council's online forms at  www.westsussex.gov.uk/admissions

Parents are welcome to visit the school before registering their child and should telephone the school office to make an appointment. We will be happy to show you our school.

Children will normally be admitted at the beginning of the academic year in which they become five.

Preliminary visits and home visits are arranged for parents and children prior to starting school. Children are invited to spend time, during a series of visits, with their new class. There will be an opportunity for parents to discuss any concerns they may have at the home visits or at the welcome meeting for new parents.

If you would like your child to attend our school, please see full details of our admission arrangements below. 

Admission Policies

Admissions Policy 2024 25

Admissions Policy 2025 26


In-Year admissions

Families may apply for a place at Hawthorns Primary School School outside of the normal admissions process. These 'in-year admissions' are treated individually and are managed by the local authority on the school's behalf.

The school has a policy of organising each year group in class groups of up to 30 pupils, as we believe that this provides for an efficient use of resources while providing an effective education. Where applications are received which would take classes beyond this limit, a place will not normally be offered, but instead pupils' names will be added to a waiting list operated by West Sussex County Council.

In the event that the school receives more applications than it is possible to admit within this policy, or where more than one applicant is on the waiting list when a space becomes available, then places will be allocated using the same over-subscription criteria as set out in the admissions policies above. 


In the event that a place is not offered at Hawthorns Primary School, parents are able to submit an appeal, which will be managed by West Sussex County Council. Further information is available on the WSCC website:  
